kVA to Amps

Kilovolt-amps (kVA) to Amps (A) calculator and how to calculate

Kilovolt-amps (kVA) to Amps (A) calculator

Number of Phase:
Kilovolt-amps: kVA
Volts: V

Amps: A

kVA to amps conversion

How to convert kilovolt-amps (kVA) to electric current in amps (A)

Single phase kVA to amps conversion

To convert the phase current I, in amps (A), you should multiply the apparent poser S in kilovolt-amps (kVA) by 1,000 and then divide the result by the RMS voltage V, in volts (V).

I(A) = 1000 × S(kVA) / V(V)


Amps (A) = 1,000 times the kV/ Volts (V)

Amps = 1000 × kVA / volts


A = 1000 × kVA / V


Calculate the phase current, in amps, given that the RMS voltage is 110V and the apparent power is 4 kVA.


I = 1000 × kVA/V

I = 1000 × 4kVA / 110V = 36.36A

3 phase kVA to amps conversion

Calculation with line to line voltage

The phase current I, in this case, is calculated by multiplying the apparent power S by 1,000 and then dividing the result by the line in line RMS voltage V l-l in volts (V) times the square root of 3

I(A) = 1000 × S(kVA) / (3 × VL-L(V) )


Amps = 1000 times the kilovolt-amps divided by the volts times the root of 3

Amps = 1000 × kVA / (3 × volts)


A = 1000 × kVA / (3 × V)


Calculate the phase current, given that the line in line RMS voltage is 110V and the apparent power is 4kVA.


I = 1000 × kVA/ (3 × V)

I = 1000 × 4kVA / (3 × 110V) = 20.995A

Calculation with line to neutral voltage:

In this case, the phase current I, in amps (A) is calculated by multiplying the apparent power S, in kilovolt-amps (kVA) by 1,000 and then dividing the result with 3 times the RMS line in line Voltage, in volts (V).

I(A) = 1000 × S(kVA) / (3 × VL-N(V) )


Current in amps = 1000 times the apparent power in kVA divided by 3 times the Volts

Amps = 1000 × kVA / (3 × volts)


A = 1000 × kVA / (3 × V)


Work out the phase current in an electrical circuit where the line in line RMS voltage is 110V and the apparent power is 4kVA.


I(A) = 1000 × S(kVA) / (3 × VL-N(V) )

I = 1000 × 4kVA / (3 × 110V) = 12.121A